Calling All Band and Drill Team Alumni (UPDATED T-Shirts)
Please make yourself available to come march one more time in this year’s Settlers Day Parade. It will be July 25, 2009. Please assemble at the Deer Park Middle School (Old High School, 1958-1980) from 8:00 – 8:30 am. The interview video footage of Ken Fisher (the video played at the Memorial Service) will start at 8:00 am in the band room. Come watch, visit and then at 9:00 am we will run through the music, Song 1 and Song 2 and Drill Team routine. The parade starts at 10:00.
The T-Shirt Design is done. The graphic at the top of this page will be on the T-Shirt. You can pre-order your shirt by calling GEP at 509-796-3524 and reference the Deer Park Ken Fisher T-Shirt. They can take your order over the phone. You can also download this form, print it, fill it out and fax it to the same number 509-796-3524. We can have your T-Shirt at the school Saturday Morning for you to wear for so we can look like a unit (Band and Drill Team). If your pre-order the cost is $8.00 for sizes S-XL (+ $2 for 2x, +$3 for 3X). If you purchase Saturday morning the cost will be $10 sizes S-XL. Please have your pre-order called in within the next few days. If your not able to pre-order we will have shirts available Saturday morning but may run out so to guarantee your shirt and size, pre-order now. Additional donations will be accepted for the Ken Fisher Memorial Fund. If we can’t sound like we know what we are doing we can at least look good…maybe? If you unable to purchase one, than a White Shirt will work.
After the parade come gather down at Mix Park (look for possible sign) to continue to visit and catch up with one another. At 3:00 pm, Steve Roberts and Robert McDowall (DP Band Drummers, class of 1979) are going to have a battle of the drums…..I can hear echoes of the Boise Drum Routines…..
Come march even if you don’t have an instrument. For those who have instruments start practicing so we can blow the parade spectators away…give’em a show…without hurting ourselves. The songs will be WSU Fight Song and Louie Louie so cover down, practice up and we will see you there!
Have you gotten your instrument out and dusted it off? Want to practice up. Click on these links below and take a look at what we are playing. Can’t wait to see you all.
DRILL TEAM!!! LOOK!!! Here is the Routine for Settlers Parade (Courtesy of Janet Kemp)
BAND !!! Click Here to take a look at the first song we are playing and practice up.
BAND !!! Click Here to take a look at what second song we are playing and practice up!
At the DP Memorial Service there was an insert in the program and at the bottom you had the option of submitting contact info. Many responded and we have a great start of a Alumni/Friends of Ken Fisher List. This list will provide the family with a way to stay in touch with all of those associated by Ken Fisher. Additionally if you elect, this will provide a way to update you with reunion, alumni and website information. If you would like to submit your contact info online please click on the link below.
Alumni/Friends of Ken Fisher Input Form