Ken Fisher Memorial Website
Charcoal Portrait drawn by grand daughter Rachel-Ann Fisher 1/27/09
UPDATE: The 2009 Settlers Day Alumni Band and Drill Team Performance was a success. We won the SWEEPSTAKES Trophy. Read about this and the latest posts and comments on the Memories, Condolences and Updates page. Add your thoughts and comments on this page. The online form for Comprehensive Alumni/Friends List is up. Click on this link to input your info. Audio from the Deer Park service is available to listen to here. I will be working on and posting the audio from the Mesa Service soon.
This website is a place to learn about and remember Ken Fisher. We are just going live with the website and in the process of updating now. Please check back often for updates about Ken and his family, times of memorial services and how you can be involved if you wish. We will have more in the coming hours, days, weeks and months.
Please read and be aware of the links on left pane that are above and below the calendar. This will have other pages and links to information such as a biography, obituary, photo gallery, blog, contact information and other media. This site will be updated and change frequently the next few days until we get it the way we want. So please check back.
Please feel free to use this site to post your memories and thoughts to family and the community of people that Ken Fisher has touched over the years. Click on the Memories and Condolences link on the left side to view and participate in the blog. The family will be posting our memories and updates of how we are doing on this page.
Anyone who visits this site can add comments to posts by clicking on comments at the bottom of each post. If you would like to write a post then you need to Register by using the link under Meta on the left side of all pages. Once registered you can come back and post at anytime. If you don’t want to register you can leave your memories and comments in the comments section of each post. Additionally you may email me your thoughts, memories and condolence and I can post it for you. Please indicate that you would like it posted on the website and send it to the email address below. If you would be interested in helping to administer this site please contact me at
If you would like to contact the family please feel free to call us if you have the phone number, or email us at:
If you email us we can provide you with an address that cards and condolences may be sent.
Thank you.