From LaDonna Jarrett DeMent

I was very sad to hear of Mr. Fisher’s passing.  I had the privilege to talk with him this past summer after the Settler’s parade.  That was the first time since graduating in 1979.

He was my band teacher in 5th & 6th grade and 9th & 10th.  I will always remember how much he loved teaching us.  He had alot of patience with me, because as much as he tried to teach me how to read notes, I never was very good at it.  But I could learn the songs in my own way and loved being a part of his program.

I will keep you, his family, in my prayers.  May the Lord continually comfort you.

LaDonna Jarrett DeMent

One thought on “From LaDonna Jarrett DeMent

  1. robfisher

    Thank you Ladonna for your post. I remember that you played just fine and no one would know that you couldn’t sight read that well. It is great that you have contributed to the website and so good to hear from you. I hope to see you either at the Memorial service or at Settlers again.


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