Heaven Has Gained an Angel
Dear Nancy, Rob and Family,
I was privileged to see Mr. Fisher in Wallace in the summer while he was there to attend Nancy’s 50th High School Reunion from Mullan High School. He always remembered me, and, of course I got a big hug and smile that I will cherish forever.
My biggest privilege was having him for my band teacher. I, too, love music and was taking accordion lessons at that time. I tried out in the percussion department of his band. After a year or so, I decided I would like to try playing the clarinet, but as times were tough, my parents couldn’t afford both accordion lessions and renting or buying a clarinet.
Mr. Fisher told me I could use his clarinet for band. That is what I did, and I loved it. The clarinet was metal, and I felt so special to be using his own clarinet. What a wonderful, caring and kind person he was.
He was my favorite teacher, and band was my greatest subject. I will always be grateful to this man who changed the lives of so many students, and in my opinion put Deer Park “on the map.”
After I graduated and was at a thrift store, I found a metal clarinet just like the one he had let me use. My daughter, nieces and nephew borrowed it for their band. It was considered an “awesome” clarinet as it was different from the black wooden ones.
My thoughts and prayer are with you, Nancy and family. This world has lost a great man, but Heaven has gained a wonderful angel.
Alaine (Leliefeld) Qualls
Class of 1966
- He was one of my mentors!
- Our worlds at DPHS overlapped..