Thanks Mr. Fisher!

Mr. Fisher arrived at Deer Park in 1962 …. The town wouldn’t be the same – nor his students galore!

He taught them to sing, to drum and to play …..  It is hard to believe he’s not here anymore!

But wait – he’s still here you see….. As we remember with respect and care

A teacher, an adviser – and also a friend …. As a man he was special – we knew he was rare!

He prodded, he counted, he trusted, he gave of his time, his insight and a spark of hope

for life more pleasing, for life filled with music, for “marching” on with our walk, teaching us how to cope.

Thank you, Mr. Fisher – from a former student, a mother of students, a co-worker and friend.     Jonnie Hamilton Rogers

3 thoughts on “Thanks Mr. Fisher!

  1. robfisher

    Thank you for your poem. I didn’t know that you wrote poetry. I had forgotten you were one of Dad’s students prior to working in the office. I look forward to seeing you again and having a visit.


  2. robfisher

    I am trying to organize the entries from former students by the year they graduated. Could you let me know what year your graduated so I can categorize it on the website. Either comment back on the website or email me. Again thanks so much for your contribution. The website will be up for a long long time.


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